March 16th, 2004 (from Advogato)
Guess I haven't written in here for a while.
Remember Segfault? It's been gone a while.
Humour in this community is not, though. I've tried my hand at a bit in the last few months...
Linus Torvalds enters race for California Governor
Microsoft seeks law to retroactively ban Finnish immigration
Nestlé to buy Google
Microsoft makes RMS its friend
Microsoft Way goes nowhere
Watch for more...
Train chasing has really taken off, too... I have almost 8000 train pictures and over 400 train videos on line now. It's tonnes of fun. If you're in the area and are into trains, come along for the fun!
That site ( is written entirely in a bit over 500 lines of good old bash... who needs perl, anyway? :)
Oh. And I got a new car. My old one died.
Posted at 17:47 on March 16, 2004
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