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Recent entries

  1. PMO Staff Run Government; Ministers Represent It
  2. On A Mostly Harmless Birthday
  3. The Trouble With Political Communications
  4. Politics: War By Other Means
  5. On the function of Social media
  6. C-18 is an existential threat, not a benefit, to democracy
  7. On Missing A Little More Than A Sub
  8. The Realpolitik Of Open Nomination
  9. What Is An Open Nomination, Really?
  10. Alberta election about identity, not policy
  11. The Trouble With Electoral Reform
  12. Mr. Bains Goes to Rogers
  13. Question Period
  14. Why do lockdowns and pandemic restrictions continue to exist?
  15. Parliamentary privilege: an arcane concept that can prevent coups
  16. It's not over yet
  17. Trump will win in 2020 (and keep an eye on 2024)
  18. A podcast with Michael Geist on technology and politics
  19. Next steps
  20. On what electoral reform reforms
  21. 2019 Fall campaign newsletter / infolettre campagne d'automne 2019
  22. 2019 Summer newsletter / infolettre été 2019
  23. 2019-07-15 SECU 171
  24. 2019-06-20 RNNR 140
  25. 2019-06-17 14:14 House intervention / intervention en chambre
  26. 2019-06-17 SECU 169
  27. 2019-06-13 PROC 162
  28. 2019-06-10 SECU 167
  29. 2019-06-06 PROC 160
  30. 2019-06-06 INDU 167
  31. older entries...

All stories filed under tributes...

  1. 2002-09-11: Tribute to Christoffer Carstanjen
  2. 2016-06-10: 2016-06-10 11:03 House intervention / intervention en chambre
  3. 2019-05-17: 2019-05-17 10:59 House intervention / intervention en chambre

Displaying the most recent stories under tributes...

2019-05-17 10:59 House intervention / intervention en chambre

Deaths and funerals, Statements by Members,

Décès et funérailles, Déclarations de députés,

Mr. Speaker, I learned just a few hours ago that one of the most interesting people I have ever met passed away suddenly during the night. Journalist, storyteller, war correspondent, constituent and friend, Paul William Roberts is known for his coverage of the two Iraq wars for Harper's Magazine, as well as his many books, including Empire of the Soul, Journey of the Magi and A War Against Truth.

He was born in Wales, and his career spanned the world, having studied in England and taught in India before working as a producer for both the BBC and the CBC, among others. In 2005, he was the inaugural winner of the PEN Canada Paul Kidd award for courage in journalism.

A humble man, Paul suffered the effects of the many wars he had covered, and about a decade ago, he lost the ability to see. He was felled by a sudden brain hemorrhage last night and was transferred to Sacré-Coeur Hospital in Montreal early this morning to offer his organs for transplant. It should encourage all of us to know that his enormous heart will live on.

To his wife Kara and his kids, my deepest condolences.

Monsieur le Président, j'ai appris, il y a quelques heures à peine, que l'une des personnes les plus intéressantes que j'aie rencontrées est décédée subitement dans la nuit. Journaliste, conteur, correspondant de guerre, habitant de ma circonscription et ami, Paul William Roberts est connu pour avoir couvert les deux guerres en Irak pour le magazine Harper's ainsi que pour avoir écrit de nombreux livres, dont Empire of the Soul, Journey of the Magi et A War Against Truth.

Né au Pays de Galles, il a parcouru le monde au cours de sa carrière. Il a étudié en Angleterre et enseigné en Inde puis travaillé comme producteur à la BBC et à la CBC, notamment. En 2005, il a été le premier lauréat du prix Paul Kidd de PEN Canada pour le courage en journalisme.

Homme humble, Paul a subi les conséquences des nombreuses guerres qu'il avait couvertes et, il y a une dizaine d'années, il a perdu la vue. Victime hier soir d'une hémorragie cérébrale soudaine, il a été transféré tôt ce matin à l'Hôpital du Sacré-Cœur, à Montréal, afin que ses organes puissent être transplantés. Nous devrions tous être encouragés de savoir que son cœur rempli de bonté continuera de battre.

Je présente mes plus sincères condoléances à sa femme Kara et à ses enfants.

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hansard parlchmbr statements tributes tv 429 words - whole entry and permanent link. Posted at 16:26 on May 17, 2019

2016-06-10 11:03 House intervention / intervention en chambre

Deaths and funerals, Mayors, Statements by Members

Décès et funérailles, Déclarations de députés, Maires

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay tribute to the life of the mayor of Lac-Saint-Paul in Laurentides—Labelle.

Louis Fabricius Lanzon was a retired nuclear engineer of Maltese descent. He was a kind man with a real zest for life. He became mayor in 2013 and truly cared about his fellow citizens. I met him for the first time a few months later, and we quickly became friends.

Recently, I had the pleasure of dining with him and his wife, Marie-Claire Meilleur, at their home. That evening, Louis gave me the idea of using turmeric powder, along with salt and pepper, as a basic spice, and he explained the geothermal heating system he had just designed in his home.

He passed away on Wednesday at the age of 78. He will be missed by the entire community and everyone who knew him. I want to offer my sincere condolences to the member for Labrador and her husband, Joseph. Louis recently became our colleague's father-in-law.

We are going to miss Louis.

Monsieur le Président, je me lève pour honorer la vie du maire de la municipalité de Lac-Saint-Paul, dans Laurentides—Labelle.

Louis Fabricius Lanzon était un ingénieur nucléaire retraité d'origine maltaise. Un gentil homme débordant de joie de vivre, il est devenu maire en 2013. Il avait vraiment à coeur la qualité de vie de ses concitoyens. Je l'ai rencontré pour la première fois quelques mois plus tard, et nous sommes vite devenus amis.

Récemment, j'ai eu le plaisir de souper avec lui et sa conjointe, Marie-Claire Meilleur, à leur domicile. Ce soir-là, Louis m'a donné l'idée d'utiliser de la poudre de curcuma à côté du sel et du poivre comme épice standard pour sa nourriture, et il m'a expliqué son système de chauffage géothermique qu'il venait de concevoir lui-même dans sa maison.

Il est décédé mercredi passé, à l'âge de 78 ans. Il manquera à toute la communauté et à tous ceux qui l'ont connu. J'exprime mes sincères condoléances à la députée de Labrador et à son conjoint, Joseph. Louis était récemment devenu beau-père de notre collègue.

Louis va nous manquer.

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hansard parlchmbr statements tributes tv 366 words - whole entry and permanent link. Posted at 16:26 on June 10, 2016

Tribute to Christoffer Carstanjen

In June, I attended a barbecue at Mr. Pack's house on Hermon with the remaining GEECS. Chris was there and he and Mr Pack cooked up a storm. He had told us years earlier that his degree was culinary arts, and he was certainly demonstrating that.

I was back at NMH at the time for the 2001 graduation, and Clint, another alumni back at the time, was staying at Chris' place.

The day after the barbecue, I brought Clint back to Chris' place and I left him there with his bike. Chris was not home, and I didn't see him again before going back home to Canada.

When Chris showed up on NMH's scene in 1996, he was working either in the Cutler server room or the help desk in Cottage 3. Mike, Zach, and I used to go down and bug him there, helping out with fixing computers, talking, or whatever else was going on at the time. He rapidly became one of the three faculty advisors for GEECS along with Mr. Pack and Mr. Schweikert and attended nearly all the meetings we managed to hold, sat with us in the dining room, and was the life of the party.

In not too long, he became largely responsible for SWIS and informed me that, because of my poor academic standing, I wouldn't get to be one of the SWIS ops, a position I'd coveted since I'd arrived at the school in '95. He administered fairly and with tremendous enthusiasm.

In the seven and a half months since this tragedy, I've been trying to convince myself that it didn't happen. I see the footage on the television and I think "computer animation" or anything else to pretend it isn't so.

Chris, you will always be in my thoughts, from the motherboard on your front licence plate, to your never-ending smile (well, except when I bugged you *too* much), to all that you taught me about the computers and servers you worked with.

David Graham
NMH class of 1999

About Chris. Originally posted on AmericanMemorials.com in September, 2002. Reposted here 2019-11-21.

tributes 354 words - whole entry and permanent link. Posted at 15:52 on September 11, 2002

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